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Noa Harrosch

Noa Harrosch

Every penny counts and your generosity means the world!
I remember this as if it was yesterday…

Our families nightmare began about 12 years ago, the biggest fear that could possibly exist for any member of a family.
The day that you’re told that your sibling is sick…
My amazing sister Naomi was only 2 years old when we were told that she was diagnosed with Histiocytosis cancer and we were in shock.
Frightened, angry and lost.
How do we help her? Where do we go from here?
What do we do to help our sweet Naomi besides pray?

Our first glimpse of hope came from Chai Lifeline!
From the first day at the hospital, they arrived like G-d sent angels.
Without going into too many details, simply they helped and supported us every step of the way.
Their generosity was not only on a physical level but as well on a spiritual level.
Just to name a few things that they did….they sent people home to help us (the other children) with homework, they helped with hospital visits, bringing her gifts, and bringing her joy throughout her treatments which at times were very difficult… and to top it all off they supported us, her family.

They were always there along the way and still are… Thank Gd today Naomi is well on her way in recovery and being followed up with doctors and of course Chai Lifeline is still present and supporting us.

Fast forward a few years…
my brother, prince of the fam, Eliya had a tragic go carting accident.
Imagine at 6 years old having to go through 6 operations on your leg, being put back together
like a lego man, and staying in the hospital for over a month.
Once again our hearts were being ripped apart but our faith didn’t waiver and neither did Chai Lifeline’s support!
The angels were here to hold our hands and hearts.
I have no words to express to our level of appreciation that we (my family and I) have for this organization.
God forbid should any parent or family have to go through seeing their child or sibling falling ill or sick, but thank G-d they are here to offer their love and support here in Canada and all over the world.
This organization and the people who are a part of it are nothing less than extraordinary!

I’m running this marathon to thank everyone that makes up Chai Lifeline.
Truthfully though, I can never give back to them what they have given us.
I’m just so honoured and excited to finally be a part of the Chai Lifeline Family on this end!!

Raising money and training for this race is definitely going to be challenge and so I’m reaching out to you all of my friends and family for help.
Please help me contribute to an organization that is always there for all of us in our community far and wide and all over the world.
Thanks so much for your generosity, Tizku Lamitsvot!



raised of $5,000 goal


1. Sol Cohen
2. Zeev Meir Malka
Great job!
3. Lavy Malka
4. Annie & David Harrosch
Bravo Noa! On est fier de toi pour envisager de faire un marathon! Sois prudente quand même.
5. Judith Gueoula Sabbah
6. Sarah Harrosch
Go Noa! Very proud! Love u

Chai Lifeline Warrior


35 donors