Men race 2024

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Men's RACe & weekend

Total Funds raised: $7,069.05

Top Men's fundraiser

Yaakov Levenbrown $1,131.00
Top Teams
Team Toras Chaim
Team Mercaz
Team Bais
Senters Yeshiva
team CCJ


        As a former captain of my team in Team Lifeline Israel for three years, I can attest to the incredible experience of participating in this race.

        Signing up for Team Lifeline Israel is not just about the parties, swag, and fun, it’s about becoming part of the Chai Lifeline Israel, Chayeinu family. This race is a chance to make a difference in the lives of so many kids kids who are fighting for their life every day by bringing them laughter, joy, and happiness.
        The men’s race is a fantastic opportunity for boys of all ages to come together for a physically challenging, exciting, and inspiring event.

        The race is organized with the values of the Torah in mind, by being a separate event it creates a kosher environment for the runners.
        This is your chance to push yourself and prove that if you set your mind to something you can reach it!
        A runner from the 2022 race shared that the Shabbaton and race were one of his favorite memories in Israel, and the reward, inspiration, friendship, and fulfillment he received will stay with him forever. 
        Join the Team Lifeline Israel family and see the impact you can make in someone else's life.

