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Anyone who saves one life merits like they save the whole world!!

Yehuda Schwartz
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Yehuda Schwartz

This past summer, I dedicated myself to the children of Camp Simcha, a life-changing experience that’s reshaped my understanding of their struggles. Witnessing firsthand how every donated penny to Chai Lifeline organizations is optimally utilized, I’m inspired to make a difference again in a bigger way.

I’m also working to raise $5000 to fulfill the requirement for non-Israeli runners like me to participate in the race that I have done the last three years. Running is both a personal challenge and a chance to support Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline Israel, an organization transforming the lives of sick children and their families. I’ve seen the impact of programs like Camp Simcha, and I need your help to bring smiles to these brave kids. Let’s make dreams come true together and help make Hashem proud of his children.

Best - Yehuda


raised of $5,000 goal


1. Shlomo & Shulamit Schwartz
Very proud of Yehuda’s dedication to Chai Lifeline! Daddy & Mommy
2. Ira and Arlene Schwartz
We are proud of your efforts for this worthy cause. תזכה למצוות. Bobbi and Zaidy
3. Azi Soffer
Keep it up Yehuda! 🐐
4. Yakov Blau
5. Eitan Newman
Yehuda your number 1
6. Yosef Shields
Keep it up Yehuda!
Member of

Team Mercaz


Chai Lifeline Warrior


22 donors